Image by Jason Salavon and Travis Saul
“响堂山石窟项目:重塑与还原” , 对响堂山石窟造像的重建和研究成果充分体现在相关展览中,该展览于2010年9月在芝加哥大学斯马特博物馆举办,在美国其他四所博物馆巡展之后于2013年1月结束。展览主题为 “历史的回响:响堂山佛教石窟,” 其中汇集了一批出自响堂山的重要石刻和相关数字影像装置。展览中的石刻尽管被妥善保存于各大博物馆中,并一直向观众展出,但是它们散布于世界各地,脱离了石窟原址。这是几十年来,这些石刻造像首次被汇集到一起展示。数字影像补充了关于石刻材料的原址环境,以及它们在石窟中的宗教内涵。展览不仅强调了造像精湛的艺术造诣,制作造像的政治和历史背景,还揭示了上个世纪石窟惨遭破坏的不幸事实,以及石窟造像流散世界各个角落的情况。响堂山石窟目前已经得到保护,但经历过惨重破坏之后,人们已经很难想象它的原来面貌。通过汇集一批造像,将它们同数码影像一起展出,展览尝试还原石窟的历史面貌,并创造新的方式实现对石窟的数字重建。
展览中的互动式展示设备除了鼓励观众主动探索石窟内容以及造像的原始位置,还提供了造像的数字三维模型。展览播放的一段影片,纪录了人们今天前往石窟经过的农田和矿区景观,让观众能够有亲自去石窟旅行的体验。 展览还包括一些通过3D数字扫描技术打印的造像模型。虽然历史上对石窟破坏造成的损失已经无法挽回,展览和项目着眼于未来,希望通过新的研究方法和众多数字技术的潜在应用,对石窟进行重建和历史还原。
Exhibition Credits
The exhibition was organized by the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.
Major funding was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Leon Levy Foundation, the Smart Family Foundation, and the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation. The catalogue was made possible by Fred Eychaner and Tommy Yang Guo, with additional support from Furthermore: a program of the J. M. Kaplan Fund.
Additional support for the Smart Museum of Art's presentation was generously provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, the University of Chicago Women's Board, and Helen Zell. Additional support for the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery presentation was provided by the Cotsen Foundation for Academic Research.
- Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago
- September 30, 2010 to January 16, 2011
- http://smartmuseum.uchicago.edu/exhibitions/echoes-of-the-past/
- Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- February 26, 2011 to July 31, 2011
- http://www.asia.si.edu/explore/china/xiangtangshan/
- http://www.asia.si.edu/events/XTSsymposium.asp
- Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
- September 11, 2011 to January 8, 2012
- http://www.meadowsmuseumdallas.org/about_China_Caves.htm
- San Diego Museum of Art
- February 18, 2012 to May 27, 2012
- Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
- September 11, 2012 to January 6, 2013
- http://isaw.nyu.edu/exhibitions/echoes/echoes-exhibit-info
- http://isaw.nyu.edu/exhibitions/echoes/catalogue