以下机关和人员对响堂山石窟项目与 ”历史的回响:响堂山石窟展览“ 作了宝贵支持和贡献 .
Xiangtangshan Caves Project
'Echoes of the Past' Exhibition
Helen Zell
Fred Eychaner
Tommy Yang Guo
(See the list of museums at Institutions and Exhibitions)
Chinese State Cultural Relics Bureau, for permission to conduct 3D scanning and photography of the Xiangtangshan Cave Temples
Hebei Provincial Cultural Bureau
Mark Levoy and David Koller, Computer Graphics Laboratory, Stanford University
Li Renju, Peking University and Beiing Tianyuan 3D Company
Zha Hongbin, Center of Information Science, Peking University
Richard Born, Smart Museum of Art
Guiseppe Eskenazi, Eskenazi Ltd., London
Beth McKillop, Victoria and Alber Museum, London
Yutaka Mino, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art
Alexandra Von Przychowski, Museum Rietburg, Zurich
Ryuichi Saito, Osaka Municipal Museum of Art
Cheryl Sobas, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Stephanie Smith, Smart Museum of Art
Mitsuru Tajima, London Gallery, Tokyo
Keith Wilson, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Xiuqin Zhou, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology